Solana vs Ethereum

comparing terminology and concepts.

Khen's Cavern
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  • solana
  • ethereum
  • blockchain
  • crypto

Solana and Ethereum are two prominent blockchain platforms, each with its own architecture, terminology, and ways of executing decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. Here’s an in-depth comparison focusing on programs in Solana and how they differ from smart contracts in Ethereum.

Solana Programs

1. Programs and Accounts

  • Programs: In Solana, what Ethereum calls "smart contracts" are referred to as "programs." These are compiled to a binary format (BPF) and deployed to the blockchain.
  • Accounts: Solana has a unique account model. Each account can store data and is used to track the state of programs. There are two types of accounts:
    • Executable accounts: These contain the program code.
    • Non-executable accounts: These hold data and are akin to Ethereum's storage variables.

2. Executing Instructions

  • Instructions: In Solana, users send transactions containing instructions, which are akin to function calls in Ethereum smart contracts. Each instruction specifies the program to be executed and the accounts to be read or written.
  • Transaction Composition: Transactions can contain multiple instructions, allowing for complex operations to be bundled together, improving efficiency.
  • Parallel Execution: Solana’s runtime can execute transactions in parallel if they do not conflict in terms of account access, which enhances throughput.

3. Ownership and Security

  • Ownership: Accounts can have an "owner," which is a program that has the authority to modify the account. This model helps in fine-grained access control.
  • Rent and Storage Costs: To prevent accounts from consuming resources indefinitely, Solana imposes a rent fee. Accounts need a minimum balance to stay active, which incentivizes efficient use of storage.

Ethereum Smart Contracts

1. Smart Contracts and Accounts

  • Smart Contracts: Ethereum uses smart contracts written in Solidity or Vyper. These are deployed to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and contain both code and state.
  • Accounts: There are two types of accounts in Ethereum:
    • Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs): Controlled by private keys.
    • Contract Accounts: Contain smart contract code and storage.

2. Executing Functions

  • Transactions and Messages: Ethereum transactions can invoke smart contract functions, transferring Ether or calling other contracts.
  • Single-threaded Execution: The EVM processes transactions sequentially, which can be a bottleneck compared to Solana’s parallel execution model.

3. Gas and Costs

  • Gas Fees: Execution in Ethereum is metered by gas, which users must pay to miners. This fee system ensures that computation and storage are paid for, preventing abuse.
  • Storage: Contract storage is paid for with gas, and there is no native rent mechanism like Solana. Data stored in contracts persists indefinitely unless explicitly removed.

Key Differences

1. Execution Speed and Throughput

  • Solana: Uses Proof of History (PoH) combined with Proof of Stake (PoS) to achieve high throughput and low latency. Parallel execution of transactions further boosts performance.
  • Ethereum: Uses Proof of Work (PoW), transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS) with Ethereum 2.0. Execution is inherently sequential, which can limit throughput.

2. Cost Model

  • Solana: Emphasizes minimal fees and a rent-based model for storage, aiming for efficiency and low cost.
  • Ethereum: Gas fees are generally higher, reflecting the cost of computation and storage, with a strong focus on incentivizing miners (and validators in PoS).

3. Programming Paradigm

  • Solana: Programs are stateless and rely on accounts for state management. This can lead to more modular and reusable code.
  • Ethereum: Smart contracts encapsulate both code and state, which can be simpler for developers but may lead to larger, monolithic contracts.


Solana and Ethereum offer different approaches to building decentralized applications, each with its strengths and trade-offs. Solana’s focus on parallel execution and low fees makes it suitable for high-throughput applications, while Ethereum’s established ecosystem and robust smart contract capabilities make it a popular choice for a wide range of dApps. Understanding these differences can help developers choose the right platform for their specific needs.

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